1. Overview

There is an emerging demand on efficiently archiving and (temporal) querying different versions of evolving semantic Web data. As novel archiving systems are starting to address this challenge, foundations/standards for benchmarking RDF archives are needed to evaluate its storage space efficiency and the performance of different retrieval operations.

To this end, we have developed a BEnchmark of RDF ARchives (BEAR), a test suite composed of three real-world datasets together with queries with varying complexity, covering a broad range of archiving use cases.


BEAR comprises three main datasets, namely BEAR-A, BEAR-B, and BEAR-C, each having different characteristics.

Dynamic Linked Data

BEAR-A is composed of 58 weekly snapshots from the Dynamic Linked Data Observatory. BEAR-A provides triple pattern queries to test atomic queries such as Materialization, Diff, Version, etc.

DBpedia Live

The BEAR-B dataset has been compiled from DBpedia Live changesets over the course of three months and contains the 100 most volatile resources along with their updates and real-world triple pattern queries from user logs.

Open Data portals

BEAR-C used the Open Data Portal Watch project to take the datasets descriptions of the European Open Data portal for 32 weeks. With the help of Open Data experts, we created 10 complex queries that retrieve different information from datasets and files.


The evaluation consists in defining SPARQL queries for each dataset and computing three different operations for each query:
  • Version Materialisation, Mat(Q, Vi): it provides the SPARQL query resolution of the query Q at the given version Vi. In order to test the applicability in all scenarios, one should provide the time for each version in the dataset, that is, V0...Vn.
  • Delta Materialisation, Diff(Q, Vi,Vj): it provides the different results of the query Q between the given Vi and Vj versions. A minimum test consists of performing diffs between the initial version and increasing intervals of 5 versions, i.e., di f f (Q, V0 , Vi) for i in {5, 10, 15, · · · , 55, n}.
  • Version Queries, Ver(Q): it provides the results of the query Q annotated with the version label in which each of them holds.

Note: additional (non-mandatory) operations can be found in the BEAR-A related article.


Description of the dataset

We build our RDF archive on the data hosted by the Dynamic Linked Data Observatory. BEAR-A data are composed of the first 58 weekly snapshots, i.e. 58 versions, from this corpus. We removed the context information and manage the resultant set of triples, disregarding duplicates. We also replaced Blank Nodes with Skolem IRIs (with a prefix http://example.org/bnode/) in order to simplify the computation of diffs.

We report the data configuration features that are relevant for the benchmark. The following table lists basic statistics of the dataset.

Versions Triples in Version 0 Triples in Version 57 Growth Change ratio Change ratio adds Change ratio deletes Static core Version-oblivious triples
58 30m 66m 101% 31% 33% 27% 3.5m 376m

Number of statements per version:

Data growth:

As can be seen, although the number of statement in the last version doubles the initial size, the mean version data growth between versions is almost marginal (101%). A closer look to the figures above allows one to identify that the latest versions are highly contributing to this increase. Similarly, the version change ratios point to the concrete adds and delete operations. A mean of 31% of the data change between two versions.

The number of version-oblivious triples (376m) points to a relatively low number of different triples in all the history if we compare this against the number of versions and the size of each version. Finally, note the remarkably small static core (3.5m).

We present below the RDF vocabulary (different subjects, predicates and objects) per version and per delta (adds and deletes). As can be seen, the number of different subjects and predicates remains stable except for the noticeable increase in the latests versions, as already identified in the number of statements per versions. However, the number of added and deleted subjects and objects fluctuates greatly and remain high (one order of magnitude of the total number of elements). In turn, the number or predicates are proportionally smaller, but it presents a similar behaviour.

Subjects per version: Predicates per version: Objects per version:
Policy Description Size (tar.gz) Download
IC One Ntriples file per version 22 GB alldata.IC.nt.tar.gz
CB Two Ntriples files (added and deleted triples) per version 13 GB alldata.CB.nt.tar.gz
TB One NQuad file where the named graph annotates the version/s of the triple 4 GB alldata.TB.nq.gz
CBTB One NQuad file where the named graph annotates the version/s where the triple has been added/removed 14 GB alldata.CBTB.nq.gz

Description of the queries

BEAR-A provides SPARQL triple pattern queries (See SPARQL spec for further information on triple patterns) and their results in all 58 versions. The evaluation consists then in computing the defined Materialization, Query and Version operations over them.

Triple pattern queries are split in low and high number of results (cardinality). 50 triple pattern queries S??, ?P? and ??O are carefully selected to provide a small deviation between versions, such that the difference in performance results can be only explain by the efficiency of the underlying archiving system. Random S?O, SP? and ?PO are selected from the previous ones. We additionally sample 50 (SPO) queries from the static core (present in all versions).


Description of the dataset

The BEAR-B dataset has been compiled from DBpedia Live changesets over the course of three months (August to October 2015). DBpedia Live records all updates to Wikipedia articles and hence re-extracts and instantly updates the respective DBpedia Live resource descriptions.

BEAR-B contains the resource descriptions of the 100 most volatile resources along with their updates. The most volatile resource (dbr:Deaths_in_2015) changes 1,305 times, the least volatile resource contained in the dataset (dbr:Once_Upon_a_Time_(season_5)) changes 263 times.

As dataset updates in DBpedia Live occur instantly, for every single update the dataset shifts to a new version. In practice, one would possibly aggregate such updates in order to have less dataset modifications. Therefore, we also aggregated these updates on an hourly and daily level. Hence, we get three time granularities from the changesets for the very same dataset: instant (21,046 versions), hour (1,299 versions), and day (89 versions).

We report the data configuration features that are relevant for the benchmark. The following table lists basic statistics of the dataset.

Granularity Versions Triples in Version 0 Triples in Version 57 Growth Change ratio Change ratio adds Change ratio deletes Static core Version-oblivious triples
instant 21,046 33,502 43,907 100.001% 0.011% 0.007% 0.004% 32,094 234,588
hour 1,299 33,502 43,907 100.090% 0.304% 0.197% 0.107% 32,303 178,618
day 89 33,502 43,907 100.744% 1.778% 1.252% 0.526% 32,448 83,134

The dataset grows almost continuously from 33,502 triples to 43,907 triples. Since the time granularities differ in the number of intermediate versions, they show different change characteristics: a longer update cycle also results in more extensive updates between versions, the average version change ratio increases from very small portions of 0.011% for instant updates to 1.8% at the daily level.

It can also be seen that the aggregation of updates leads to omission of changes: whereas the instant updates handle 234,588 version-oblivious triples, the daily aggregates only have 83,134 (hourly: 178,618), i.e. a reasonable number of triples exists only for a short period of time before they get deleted again. Likewise, from the different sizes of the static core, we see that triples which have been deleted at some point are reinserted after a short period of time (in the case of DBpedia Live this may happen when changes made to a Wikipedia article are reverted shortly after).

Granularity Policy Description Size (tar.gz) Download
instant IC One Ntriples file per version 12 GB alldata.IC.nt.tar.gz
CB Two Ntriples files (added and deleted triples) per version 16 MB alldata.CB.nt.tar.gz
CBTB One NQuad file where the named graph annotates the version/s where the triple has been added/removed 5.2 MB alldata.CBTB.nq.gz
hour IC One Ntriples file per version 467 MB alldata.IC.nt.tar.gz
CB Two Ntriples files (added and deleted triples) per version 4.1 MB alldata.CB.nt.tar.gz
TB One NQuad file where the named graph annotates the version/s of the triple 189 MB alldata.TB.nq.gz
CBTB One NQuad file where the named graph annotates the version/s where the triple has been added/removed 3.1 MB alldata.CBTB.nq.gz
day IC One Ntriples file per version 32 MB alldata.IC.nt.tar.gz
CB Two Ntriples files (added and deleted triples) per version 1.1 MB alldata.CB.nt.tar.gz
TB One NQuad file where the named graph annotates the version/s of the triple 1.1 MB alldata.TB.nq.gz
CBTB One NQuad file where the named graph annotates the version/s where the triple has been added/removed 1.4 MB alldata.CBTB.nq.gz

Description of the queries

BEAR-B exploits the real-world usage of DBpedia to provide realistic queries. Thus, we extract the 200 most frequent triple patterns from the DBpedia query set of Linked SPARQL Queries dataset (LSQ) and filter those that produce results in our BEAR-B corpus. We then obtain a batch of 62 lookup queries, mixing (?P?) and (?PO) queries. The evaluation consists then in computing the defined Materialization, Query and Version operations over them. Finally, we build 20 join cases using the selected triple patterns.

Triple Pattern Query Number Download Queries Granularity
Hour Day
Mat Results Diff Results Ver Results Mat Results Diff Results Ver Results
?P? 49 Get queries Get mat results Get diff results Get ver results Get mat results Get diff results Get ver results
?PO 13 Get queries Get mat results Get diff results Get ver results Get mat results Get diff results Get ver results

Join Queries Number Download Queries Granularity
Hour Day
Subject-Objet and Subject-Subject joins 20 Get queries Get join results Get join results


Description of the dataset

The BEAR-C dataset is taken from the Open Data Portal Watch project. For this version of BEAR, we decided to take the datasets descriptions of the European Open Data portal for 32 weeks, or 32 snapshots respectively.

Note that, as in BEAR-A, we also replaced Blank Nodes with Skolem IRIs (with a prefix http://example.org/bnode/) in order to simplify the computation of diffs.

We report the data configuration features that are relevant for the benchmark. The following table lists basic statistics of the dataset.

Versions Triples in Version 0 Triples in Version 57 Growth Change ratio Change ratio adds Change ratio deletes Static core Version-oblivious triples
32 485,179 563,738 100.478% 67.617% 33.671% 33.946% 178,484 9,403,540

Number of statements per version:

Data growth:

Each snapshot consists of roughly 500m triples with a very limited growth as most of the updates are modifications on the metadata, i.e. adds and deletes report similar figures.

We present below the RDF vocabulary (different subjects, predicates and objects) per version and per delta (adds and deletes). As can be seen, most of the updates are modifications on the metadata, i.e. adds and deletes report similar figures. Note also that this dynamicity is also reflected in the subject and object vocabulary, whereas the metadata is always described with the same predicate vocabulary, in spite of a minor modification in version 24 and 25.

Subjects per version: Predicates per version: Objects per version:
Policy Description Size (tar.gz) Download
IC One Ntriples file per version 241 MB alldata.IC.nt.tar.gz
CB Two Ntriples files (added and deleted triples) per version 201 MB alldata.CB.nt.tar.gz
TB One NQuad file where the named graph annotates the version/s of the triple 133 MB alldata.TB.nq.gz
CBTB One NQuad file where the named graph annotates the version/s where the triple has been added/removed 233 MB alldata.CBTB.nq.gz

Description of the queries

BEAR-C provides complex queries that, although they cannot be resolved in current archiving strategies in a straightforward and optimized way, they could help to foster the development and benchmarking of novel strategies and query resolution optimizations in archiving scenarios.

BEAR-C offers 10 queries that retrieve different information from datasets and files (referred to as distributions, where each dataset refers to one or more distributions) in the European Open Data portal. The evaluation consists then in computing the defined Materialization, Query and Version operations over them.

PREFIX dcat: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset .
    ?dataset dcat:distribution ?distribution .
    ?distribution dcat:accessURL ?URL .
PREFIX dcat: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#> 
PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset .
    ?dataset dc:modified ?modified_date .
PREFIX dcat: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#>
PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX vcard: <http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset .
    ?dataset dcat:contactPoint ?contact .
    ?contact vcard:fn ?name. 
        ?contact vcard:hasEmail ?email .
PREFIX dcat: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#>
PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX eu: <http://ec.europa.eu/geninfo/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset .
    ?dataset dc:title ?title .
    ?dataset dcat:distribution ?distribution .
    ?distribution dcat:accessURL ?URL .
    ?distribution dc:license eu:legal_notices_en.htm .
    FILTER regex(?title, "region")
PREFIX dcat: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#>
PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset .
    ?dataset dc:title ?title .
    ?dataset dcat:distribution ?distribution .
    ?distribution dcat:accessURL ?URL .
    ?distribution dc:description "Austria" .
    ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset .
    ?dataset dc:title ?title .
    ?dataset dcat:distribution ?distribution .
    ?distribution dcat:accessURL ?URL .
    ?distribution dc:description "Germany" .
PREFIX dcat: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#>
PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset .
    ?dataset dc:title ?title .
    ?dataset dc:issued ?date .
    ?dataset dc:modified ?date .
PREFIX dcat: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#>
PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset .
    ?dataset dc:title ?title .
    ?dataset dc:issued ?date .
    ?dataset dcat:distribution ?distribution .
    ?distribution dcat:accessURL ?URL .
    FILTER (?date>"2014-12-31T23:59:59"^^xsd:dateTime)
PREFIX dcat: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#>
PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset .
    ?dataset dc:title ?title .
    ?dataset dcat:distribution ?distribution .
    ?distribution dcat:accessURL ?URL .
    ?distribution dcat:mediaType "text/csv" .
    ?distribution dc:title ?filetitle .
    ?distribution dc:description ?description .
PREFIX dcat: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#>
PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset .
    ?dataset dc:title ?title .
    ?distr1 dcat:distribution ?dataset .
    ?distr1 dcat:accessURL ?URL1 .
    ?distr1 dcat:mediaType "text/csv" .
    ?distr1 dc:title ?titleFile1 .
    ?distr1 dc:description ?description1 .
    ?distr2 dcat:distribution ?dataset .
    ?distr2 dcat:accessURL ?URL2 .
    ?distr2 dcat:mediaType "text/tab-separated-values" .
    ?distr2 dc:title ?titleFile2 .
    ?distr2 dc:description ?description2 .
PREFIX dcat: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#>
PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    ?dataset rdf:type dcat:Dataset .
    ?dataset dc:title ?title .
    ?dataset dcat:distribution ?distribution .
    ?distribution dcat:accessURL ?URL .
    ?distribution dcat:mediaType ?mediaType .
    ?distribution dc:title ?filetitle .
    ?distribution dc:description ?description .
ORDER BY ?filetitle

Benchmark results

We report the results as of March 2017 in which BEAR-A and BEAR-B was used to test the performance of the following RDF archiving systems (download the source code in our Github repository):

  • Jena TDB: We used the Jena's TDB store (v3.2.0.) to implement different archiving policies (see [1] for a deep discussion on archiving policies):
    • Jena-IC (Independent Copies): we index each version in an independent TDB instance.
    • Jena-CB (Change-Based): we create an index for each added and deleted statements, again for each version and using an independent TDB store.
    • Jena-TB (Timestamp-Based): the system can manage a set of IC and CB stores for the same dataset. Our current evaluation uses three different archives, with a small (S), medium (M) and large (L) gap between ICs: Jena-HBSIC/CB, Jena-HBMIC/CB and Jena-HBLIC/CB in which an IC version is stored after 4, 8 and 16 CB versions respectively. For the case of BEAR-B-hour, we use a gap of 32, 64 and 128 versions, and for BEAR-B-instant we use 64, 512 and 2048 versions respectively.

    We also implemented and tested hybrid approaches:

    • Jena-HBTB/CB: We indexed all deltas using two named graphs per version (adds and deletes) in one single TDB instance.
    • Jena-HBIC/CB: We indexed all deltas using two named graphs per version (adds and deletes) in one single TDB instance.
  • HDT: We used HDT to implement the same strategies, HDT-IC, HDT-CB and HDT-HBIC/CB. The TB and HBTB/CB policies cannot be implemented as current HDT implementations (We use the HDT C++ libraries at http://www.rdfhdt.org/. do not support quads, hence triples cannot be annotated with the version.

Tests were performed on a computer with 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2650v2 @ 2.6 GHz (16 cores), RAM 171 GB, 4 HDDs in RAID 5 config. (2.7 TB netto storage), Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS running on a VM with QEMU/KVM hypervisor. We report elapsed times for Jena in a warm scenario, given that it is based on disk whereas HDT performs on memory.

We report the required on-disk space for each dataset and system, as well as the query performance in BEAR-A and BEAR-B. See [1] for detailed comments of the results.

RDF Storage Space Results

Dataset Raw (gzip) Diff (gzip) Jena TDB HDT
IC CB TB Hybrid IC CB Hybrid
BEAR-A 23 GB 14 GB 230 GB 138 GB 83 GB 163 GB 152 GB 143 GB 353 GB 48 GB 28 GB 34 GB 31 GB 29 GB
BEAR-B-instant 12 GB 0.16 GB 158 GB 7.4 GB - 9.7 GB 7.7 GB 7.4 GB 0.1 GB 63 GB 0.33 GB 1.4 GB 0.46 GB 0.36 GB
BEAR-B-hour 475 MB 10 MB 6238 MB 479 MB 3679 MB 662 MB 563 MB 529 MB 58 MB 2229 MB 35 MB 103 MB 69 MB 52 MB
BEAR-B-day 37 MB 1 MB 421 MB 44 MB 24 MB 137 MB 90 MB 65 MB 23 MB 149 MB 7 MB 43 MB 25 MB 15 MB
BEAR-C 243 MB 205 MB 2151 MB 2271 MB 2012 MB 2356 MB 2286 MB 2310 MB 3735 MB 421 MB 439 MB 458 MB 444 MB 448 MB

Query performance in BEAR-A

IC, CB and TB approaches - Simple Lookups (S??, ?P? and ??O)

S?? - Low Cardinality S?? - High Cardinality
?P? - Low Cardinality ?P? - High Cardinality
??O - Low Cardinality ??O - High Cardinality

IC, CB and TB approaches - Other triple patterns (SP?, ?PO, S?O and SPO)

SP? - Low Cardinality SP? - High Cardinality
?PO - Low Cardinality ?PO - High Cardinality
S?O - Low Cardinality SPO

Hybrid approaches HDT - Simple Lookups (S??, ?P? and ??O)

S?? - Low Cardinality S?? - High Cardinality
?P? - Low Cardinality ?P? - High Cardinality
??O - Low Cardinality ??O - High Cardinality

Hybrid approaches HDT - Other triple patterns (SP?, ?PO, S?O and SPO)

SP? - Low Cardinality SP? - High Cardinality
?PO - Low Cardinality ?PO - High Cardinality
S?O - Low Cardinality SPO

Hybrid approaches Jena - Simple Lookups (S??, ?P? and ??O)

S?? - Low Cardinality S?? - High Cardinality
?P? - Low Cardinality ?P? - High Cardinality
??O - Low Cardinality ??O - High Cardinality

Hybrid approaches Jena - Other triple patterns (SP?, ?PO, S?O and SPO)

SP? - Low Cardinality SP? - High Cardinality
?PO - Low Cardinality ?PO - High Cardinality
S?O - Low Cardinality SPO

IC, CB and TB approaches - Simple Lookups (S??, ?P? and ??O)

S?? - Low Cardinality S?? - High Cardinality
?P? - Low Cardinality ?P? - High Cardinality
??O - Low Cardinality ??O - High Cardinality

IC, CB and TB approaches - Other triple patterns (SP?, ?PO, S?O and SPO)

SP? - Low Cardinality SP? - High Cardinality
?PO - Low Cardinality ?PO - High Cardinality
S?O - Low Cardinality SPO

Hybrid approaches HDT - Simple Lookups (S??, ?P? and ??O)

S?? - Low Cardinality S?? - High Cardinality
?P? - Low Cardinality ?P? - High Cardinality
??O - Low Cardinality ??O - High Cardinality

Hybrid approaches HDT - Other triple patterns (SP?, ?PO, S?O and SPO)

SP? - Low Cardinality SP? - High Cardinality
?PO - Low Cardinality ?PO - High Cardinality
S?O - Low Cardinality SPO

Hybrid approaches Jena - Simple Lookups (S??, ?P? and ??O)

S?? - Low Cardinality S?? - High Cardinality
?P? - Low Cardinality ?P? - High Cardinality
??O - Low Cardinality ??O - High Cardinality

Hybrid approaches Jena - Other triple patterns (SP?, ?PO, S?O and SPO)

SP? - Low Cardinality SP? - High Cardinality
?PO - Low Cardinality ?PO - High Cardinality
S?O - Low Cardinality SPO

BEAR-A: Average query time (in ms) for ver(Q) queries in lookups (S??, ?P? and ??O)

Dataset Jena TDB HDT
IC CB TB Hybrid IC CB Hybrid
(S??) Low Cardinality 66 24 42732 24 31 32 7 1.54 1.91 2.30 2.47 2.64
(S??) High Cardinality 101 72 56693 76 75 89 44 4.98 7.98 10.94 13.59 18.32
(?P?) Low Cardinality 437 77 49411 115 130 115 79 42.88 13.79 30.97 29.03 31.71
(?P?) High Cardinality 809 205 54246 383 411 302 210 116.96 46.62 101.05 88.41 101.55
(??O) Low Cardinality 67 23 49424 23/td> 23 45 6 1.44 2.36 2.96 2.85 2.91
(??O) High Cardinality 99 67 58114 80 74 74 54 7.12 11.73 14.28 16.40 20.18

BEAR-A: Average query time (in ms) for ver(Q) queries in different tripe patterns (SP?, ?PO, S?O and SPO)

Dataset Jena TDB HDT
IC CB TB Hybrid IC CB Hybrid
(SP?) Low Cardinality 53 15 55283 15 15 16 1 0.83 1.02 1.07 1.15 1.13
(SP?) High Cardinality 67 50 57720 45 50 50 17 1.75 3.88 4.48 4.69 5.59
(?PO) Low Cardinality 57 21 56151 20 20 21 3 1.32 2.04 2.01 2.03 2.15
(?PO) High Cardinality 136 116 59831 113 107 121 92 11.58 20.91 24.82 29.74 38.39
(S?O) Low Cardinality 55 16 45193 19/td> 17 18 1 1.36 1.78 2.02 1.73 1.73
(SPO) 54 17 50393 16 17 17 1 18.35 3.37 11.14 9.17 8.00

Query performance in BEAR-B

IC, CB and TB approaches

BEAR-B-day BEAR-B-hour

Hybrid approaches HDT

BEAR-B-day BEAR-B-hour

Hybrid approaches Jena

BEAR-B-day BEAR-B-hour

IC, CB and TB approaches

BEAR-B-day BEAR-B-hour

Hybrid approaches HDT

BEAR-B-day BEAR-B-hour

Hybrid approaches Jena

BEAR-B-day BEAR-B-hour

BEAR-B: Average query time (in ms) for ver(Q) queries

Dataset Jena TDB HDT
IC CB TB Hybrid IC CB Hybrid
BEAR-B-day 83 19 1775 32 25 23 6 6.57 0.43 3.64 2.43 1.78
BEAR-B-hour 1189 120 6473 147 138 132 24 111.61 2.49 18.60 17.26 20.45


[1] Fernández, J. D., Umbrich, J., Polleres, A., & Knuth, M. (Under review). Evaluating Query and Storage Strategies for RDF Archives. Semantic Web Journal. Under review. Available here.

[2] Fernández, J. D., Umbrich, J., Polleres, A., & Knuth, M. (2016, September). Evaluating Query and Storage Strategies for RDF Archives. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Semantic Systems (pp. 41-48). ACM.
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Funded by Austrian Science Fund (FWF): M1720- G11, European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant 731601 (SPECIAL), MINECO-AEI/FEDER-UE ETOME-RDFD3: TIN2015-69951-R, by Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG): grant no. 849982 (ADEQUATe) and grant 861213 (CitySpin), and the German Government, Federal Ministry of Education and Research un- der the project number 03WKCJ4D. Javier D. Fernández was funded by WU post-doc research contracts, and Axel Polleres was supported by the “Distinguished Visiting Austrian Chair” program as a visiting professor hosted at The Europe Center and the Center for Biomedical Research (BMIR) at Stanford University. Special thanks to Sebastian Neumaier for his support with the Open Data Portal Watch.